Wednesday, May 5, 2010

random ramblings...

So thanks to a dear sweet little wisdom tooth of mine being extracted from my being yesterday, I decided that this post would be deemed random ramblings and come at you in a listing format at whatever comes into my mind (due to the wonderful drugs of course).  Sound good?  Alright then.

  • I absolutely love TV and miss it oh-so-very much so we have decided that we do not "deserve" cable right now.  People ask us that innocent question "Don't you have SOME channels though?"  NO... no we do not.  Thanks to some stupid digital converter.  Thanks a lot technology.
  • I have embraced the short hair.  I look at pictures of my old hair now and think about how I should have cut my hair forever ago.  I owe it all to my amazing hair lady.  She rocks my world.  Her and root plumper.
  • Thanks to the lack of TV, I watch about a million episodes of Friends like everyday.  Could I BE more awesome at Friends trivia?
  • I've decided that I need to suck it up and buy a Glamour subscription.  Either that or ask for one for my birthday (hint, hint).  Reason being that I've gotten to the point that I buy it EVERY month.  I feel like once you get to that point you might as well just have it shipped to your door... and it's cheaper, right?
  • I love sunglasses... and I say the bigger, the better.  And also you can never have too many.  I would be all about owning like 145 pairs of them.  I'm very particular about my brown sunglasses living in my brown purse and my black sunglasses living in my black purse... that way I'm never without!
  • I am very bitter about not getting to eat chips and salsa on Cinco de Mayo today due to the 'soft food' diet.  I think the restriction has made me more passionate about this holiday than usual.
  • I began watching this season of Dancing with the Stars as basically a filler between the Bachelor and the Bachelorette but now I have finally gotten to the point where I actually care.  The couples I would actually want to see win is Ochocinco and Cheryl or Maks and Erin.  Reason being is because I would marry Maks or Ochocinco if either one of them asked me tomorrow.  The couple I don't want to win is Pussycat doll.  Reason being is because she's a professional dancer so duh she's good so lame that she's on the show. 
  • I'm going to my grad school's spring graduation on Friday which is a huge reminder that I have been out of school for an entire semester.  WHOA.  Where has an entire semester gone!  Let's not even get into the point that it reminds me I still am not doing what I thought I would be doing.
  • My 25th birthday is next month so we're planning a girls river weekend trip and I am SO excited.  It's really the only vacation thing I have planned for the summer so far so I'm looking forward to it big time!
  • My dad just left for Mobile, Alabama this morning to help with the oil spill for at least a month.  Crazy times.  I was rooting for Florida so that could be potentially another vacay spot for the summer but hey, I've never been to Alabama either.
  • I ate ice cream for dinner last night and macaroni and cheese for dinner tonight.  I feel like I'm five.  Or super irresponsible.  Or utterly unhealthy.  (Or super fun! Thanks wisdom tooth!)
  • The song "I'm feeling hot, hot, hot" is stuck in my head from being played all day today for our celebration of Cinco de Mayo at school.  This song always reminds me of cruises and makes me want to be on one.  The 90 degree weather today definitely adds to the fact of me wanting to be laying on the deck of a cruise laying out and listening to some Jamaican band singing to me.
Alright on that note... I'm thinking my random ramblings are over for now.  Hope you enjoy if you endured them all and of course if they even made sense...


Lindsee said...

I love random. And I'm very sorry you did not get to indulge in chips and queso, but neither did I. I love you. Get better quick, friend.

Jen-Jen said...

haha i love you. and i also think i should be part of the short hair decision. i mean hello!

side note, i have found a fabulous place for margaritas- they are only $1.00! and they are big! that's right! next wednesday. we are there.