Monday, May 3, 2010

the waters run deep...

As an assistant kindergarten teacher, my lunches consist of sitting with 5 and 6 year olds as they pull out 20 million things out of their lunch boxes while I usually pull out 1-2 things out of my purse.  This usually results in them saying "That's ALL you have for lunch Ms. Raven?!?!?!?" Or if they feel like my lunch is gross, they feel free to point and say "EWWW!"  But don't worry... I usually take up for myself by saying, "Did you realize it was rude to tell someone that their food looks gross?" (Which I actually ended up saying to someone else in my social life the other day which went real well for me by the way.) 

Anyway.  As you can imagine... sitting with 5 and 6 year olds for lunch can be a bit entertaining because this is their time to talk about pretty much anything they would like (with of course still some type of boundaries).  Conversation can go ANYWHERE.  Today though it was really quite cute and reminded me why I love kids and continue to do what I do.  A hot topic lately has been where all the kindergarteners are going to go to first grade since this school ends at kindergarten so this discussion came up during lunch.  Some of the kids already know where they're going and some still aren't quite sure.  The following was the particular conversation from the lunch table of kindergarten girls:

Susie: Me and Sally are going to the same school for first grade.

*Sally is sitting right across from her and very obviously not paying attention.

Me: (even though I've heard this piece of information a MILLION times) Oh wow, that's really fun!

Sally: (finally snapping to reality) I'm going to that school too!

Susie: I know Sally!  We're both going there!

Sally: God made it possible for me to go there!

Lola: (listening to this entire conversation) God promised that He would never flood the Earth again.

Susie: I've seen Noah's Ark.

Lola: Yeah God promised after the last time He flood the Earth.

Susie: Yeah I know.  We read that at my house.

They continued to discuss Noah's Ark and God's promise to not flood the Earth and I continued to be floored about how my kindergarten girls could grasp that getting into their school of choice was made possible through God and how that resulted into a conversation about one of His greatest miracles.  You never know the randomness and even sweetness that you may get at the lunch table... gotta love their childlike faith.

*And OBVIOUSLY I changed all little girls names to protect their precious little privacy.  DUH.

1 comment:

Sara said...

kids are too precious!!