Thursday, November 4, 2010

the fog...

Wow... where the heck have I been?  I'll tell yah... walking around in a fog. 

It began when my sweet dentist decided that there was a major need to extract my two left wisdom teeth from my mouth instead of what I went into the office for originally.  Awesome.  I'm pretty easy-going and tend to have this complex where I am very agreeable to doctors.  I consider them all-knowing and don't tend to ask any questions whatsoever.  This complex is so bad that I had to convince the roommate that not even the dentist knew that the wisdom teeth would be pulled out that day before I came in.  (So I've been known to show up to doctors for a procedure that I wasn't super aware of... big deal.)  Obviously this little event cancelled out my weekend plans of a fun trip to Canton.  I was of course bummed but too doped up for the let down to sink in.  Then Saturday night, I began to sneeze and never stopped until some point on Monday.  Enter cold medicine and a really long day on Sunday due to working at a church on Sunday mornings plus our Trunk or Treat for Halloween.  Thankfully I work with an amazing team of girls that forced me to go home for a nap before the actual event started.  It probably had a lot to do with the fact that I looked and acted like a zombie. 

Now that I'm actually coming out of the fog a bit, I feel like I should process the last week of my life here..

1. Having wisdom teeth pulled immediately instills a huge fear in me of dry sockets.  It's looking like I'm in the clear, but it does still haunt me a tad bit.  I accidentally drank through a straw the other day and almost had a stroke when I realized.  I'll be glad when the ten day mark is over. 
2. Apparently I'm more blunt while medicated.  I've been told by three different people to keep the meds going.  I don't know whether I should find this humorous or insulting.
3. A lot of baking occurred on Saturday.  While my roommate and I had both been instructed by different doctors to "take it easy" (the roommate had herself a serious sinus infection)... we decided to 'BOO!' everyone we know.  Haven't heard of this?  Apparently you don't live in my sister's neighborhood because they are the only ones that have.  You leave a fun Halloween treat with a note on someone's door, ring the doorbell, and run away.  Some candy is totally acceptable, but we decided it wasn't acceptable for us.  We pulled out all the stops... Halloween funfetti cupcakes with candy corn pumpkins on top, Halloween funfetti cookies decorated with cute Halloween sayings and jack'o'lantern faces with candy corn, rice krispies with fall m&m's in some and candy corn in others, and brownies.  Ridiculous.  Still have no idea why I got sick...
4. A lot of The Office happened.  So obviously that meant a lot of laughter.
5. I cooked my mom's enchiladas.  HUGE DEAL.  This is one of my all-time favorite meals that my mom has always made that I knew required a LOT of time and prep-work.  Well the roommate decided that we needed to make them because she's had them and loved them (DUH!).  I was intimidated.  I was scared.  I made it happen.  At 25, I feel like an adult thanks to being able ot re-create this meal of my mother's.  

Now that it's officially been 7 days since the wisdom teeth event, I am super looking forward to a weekend that has absolutely nothing on the calendar.  Hmm... saying that makes me wonder if I should have suggested the dentist to wait until this Thursday.  Nah... that would have taken all the fun out of it..  

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