Friday, October 1, 2010

the other five days of the week...

I don't like that my last few posts have just been weekend recaps.  As it may not seem, my life does continue throughout the week.  Hard to believe, right?  Here are a few random things about my week...
  • Cake balls done right are just about the most delicious dessert on the planet.  Drops of heaven in your mouth.  Thankfully I have a recipe that makes fantastic cakeballs in my possession due to the most awesome cook from my church.  I obviously don't know who's the most awesome cook at my church, but I just figure she deserves the award because she brought these cakeballs into my life.
  • I can be very lame if I am tired.  This just reminds me that I am getting old.  I used to be able to pull an all-nighter and then still have tons of fun all the next day.  Apparently those days are gone.
  • Ribs, cheesy mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, and homemade ice cream cake is like offering a feast to boys.  If you don't believe that guys receive love through food, just serve them this dinner. 
  • The roomie and I have each other's backs.  Whether that means rolling out of bed to deliver potatoes and straws to their place of business or sacrificing their evening to help a sister out with some kids, we're down.  (Don't try to understand it.)
  • There are pine cones in a glass bowl, a lit pumpkin spice candle, and harvest M&M's in a pumpkin dish on the coffee table.  There is a pumpkin with gourds next to it on the brick by the fire place.  There is a sign that says 'Autumn' and leaves all along the mantle.  There is a rod-iron pumpkin decoration on the dining room table.  It is officially fall in our apartment.  Thank you, unexpected exchange gift card from Hobby Lobby.
  • A good night is being able to grab some yummy take-out and watch my favorite show on tv.  Call me simple, call me shallow... just don't talk while the show is on, please.
Hope you enjoyed the proof that I do go on living between the days of Monday through Friday.  But since it is Friday, I am about to pack up my belongings... and you guessed it, head on down south.  Be back later with the infamous weekend recap.

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