Sunday, August 1, 2010

here comes the news...

Hello blog world... I promise I am STILL alive!  These past few weeks have been on the tad bit crazy side... hence the eerie silence here.  Quite a bit has happened in my life (which is the shocker of the nation) so I figured I am going to come at you in a news report style.  Well here's the thing... my roommate is obsessed with the news.  And when I say obsessed, I mean that is what seems to be playing non-stop ever since the fancy TV arrived in our lives.  Now I understand that we still have not succumbed to the temptation of cable, but we still have the option of popping a TV series DVD in and watching that.  There's no rule that we HAVE to watch what's on TV just because we have that option now.  But whatever.  Back to the news of my life... and let's hope it's not as depressing and a little bit more entertaining as what is being played in my living room 24/7...
  • I have officially hung up my hat as a Kindergarten teacher since our school ended 2 weeks ago and I won't be returning in the Fall.  I had an absolute blast with those kiddos and feel so blessed to have been their teacher for that period of time.  I definitely learned so much being in the classroom atmosphere both from the amazing teachers I worked with and the great students that I got to spend my days with.  I am grateful to have that experience!
  • I have accepted the Nursery Coordinator position at my church, McKinney Memorial Bible Church.  I have worked in the Children's Ministry in some type of capacity for the last 2 years which all just began as a summer intern position.  I guess I'm just the intern that never left and for some reason, they let me stay!  One of my very dear friends, Amanda has been the nursery coordinator for the past 5 years and has done an absolutely FANTASTIC job so it's going to be big shoes to fill.  Luckily she's not going far so I can still call her if I need to.  Right Amanda?!?!?!?!  Even though it's definitely a new challenge and something I may not have guessed that would have been on my path, I am super excited about the opportunity because I absolutely love McKinney and all of the families and children there!  I consider myself blessed to be able to minister to them in any way at all!
  • Since I just laid down 2 big ones, I'll go with an obvious one.  I'll be staying in Fort Worth for a while longer!  Katie and I are re-signing our lease so the dynamic duo are sticking together for a good while longer.  I'm excited about this because I do absolutely love our grown-up apartment and this town so a big YAY to that!
  • Katie and I actually just finished up our "stay-cation" at the Kashuba's while they were mission tripping it in Mexico this past week!  They asked if we would be willing to stay at their house all week and watch their house, dog, and POOL.  Um, DUH!  So we stayed at our resort away from home all week included with pool and pet and we were set to go.  I gotta say... house-sitting isn't a bad gig. 
  • Our old dryer that we nearly got killed over buying from Craigslist BROKE.  Let's be honest, it was no surprise.  When random Craigslist dude pulled it out of his jam-packed rat-infested garage, it was OLD.  But we felt obligated so we did what any 2 pushover girls would do if they were put in that situation... we bought it, scrubbed it down and we loved it.  Until it broke.  But then the most AMAZING thing ever happened.  One of the all-time best families at my church that I just absolutely love offered me a free dryer that I could use until they need it again.  Thank you Jesus!  I mean seriously people, the laundry was getting ridiculously piled up.  And thank you amazing Ater family... I don't know what I would do without yall and everything you do for me!
  • I'm not a bridesmaid in a single wedding this year.  Can we all just collectively say a loud AMEN right now!  Last year I was in about 124,000 (or at least it felt that way at the time) so it has been nice to have a year off.  Don't get me wrong... I absolutely loved each bride, shower, bachelorette party, rehearsal dinner and wedding that I was apart of but it can wear a girl out.  Especially when more than half of them were not even in the same town as me.  I'll be in the house party in October in one of my good friend's weddings and I can honestly say I've never been more excited to just cut some cake.  But I do need some cake-cutting training first.... Anyone???
  • Can we just touch on The Bachelorette real quick, fast, and in a hurry?  Actually, you know what?  Forget Ali, Roberto, and Frank.  I'm not going to talk about them because Ali is annoying and Frank is lame and aggravating.  And Roberto is just Roberto... Ali talks about him enough.  Let's talk about Chris L.  I would marry him TOMORROW if he asked me and figure out a way to forget all about the fact that he accepted the fantasy suite from Ali.  Get him reformed real fast is what one of my friends suggested.  I'm thinking Ali is an idiot and won't choose him and they might make him the next Bachelor.  That seriously might be reason enough to apply.... I said MIGHT.  Granted there is no way I would drink like a fish the way they do and they would be real upset with my response to the fantasy suite... but hey, maybe Chris L. could still love me.
  • This would be the inspirational part of the news where it's not really current events but it's just a special story.  I have the all-time best mom in the world.  I'm not just saying that because she's my mom, but she is honestly pretty flippin' fantastic.  She doesn't know this, but I actually started to write a post about her months ago and wasn't able to go through with it because I realized there was no way I could do her justice.  That definitely may sound like a cop-out, but it really is the honest truth.  She is the one person in my life that I have always looked up to, that has had amazing strength in every situation, and loves her family and friends like no other.  She deserves way more than she usually gets, but that is where her fantastic perseverance and resilence comes from.  She's taught me more about the love of Christ through her actions than she probably ever could through her words.  For that Mom, I thank you SO much.  You absolutely rock.
Well with that, my friends, this news report is done.  I hope you feel up to speed with my life and I promise that I will not disappear off the face of the earth again anytime soon.  Here's to August... a jam-packed over-heated month!  It's gonna be awesome!


Sara said...

i LOVE roberto!! you can hate if you want to, but its true :)

Anonymous said...

I love you so much and you made me cry with this blog about me!! Mom